Wayne W. Chang,
M.S., P.E.
P.O. Box 9496
Rancho Santa Fe,
CA 92067-4496
832-1402 Fax
Wayne W. Chang
obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from the University of California,
Berkeley, and
his Master of Science degree in civil engineering from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. He is a registered civil engineer in California
and Arizona.
Mr. Chang
specializes in water resources and has extensive experience in hydrology,
hydraulics, and sedimentation as well as the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) regulations and requirements. His experience
includes the design and analysis of storm drain systems, storm water quality
best management practices, floodplains, floodways, channel improvements,
channel protection, drop structures, check dams, levees, culverts, bridges as
well as detention, retention, and desiltation basins. He is very familiar with
the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s
HEC-1, HEC-HMS, HEC-2, and HEC-RAS models. He is also very familiar with the
Water Surface Pressure Gradient (WSPG), FLUVIAL-12, and Finite Element Surface
Water Modeling System (FESWMS) models.
Mr. Chang has
processed projects through many local agencies, the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Fish & Wildlife
Service, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the California Division of
Safety of Dams, the State Lands Commission, the California Coastal Commission,
and the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Mr. Chang has
published water resources journal articles, presented conference papers and
workshops, provided expert witness testimony, taught both undergraduate and
graduate-level courses, taught water resources review courses for the
Professional Engineer exam, was past Vice-Chairman of the Floodplain Management
Association, and served on the editorial board of the Journal of Floodplain Management.
Department of Civil and Environmental
Howard H. Chang is a Professor Emeritus from the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Department at San Diego State University,
and a registered civil engineer in California
and Arizona.
He taught 17 different courses at San
Diego State University in his career of over 40
years. The courses have included E 120 Engineering Problem Analysis, CE 444
Applied Hydraulics, CE 495 Civil Engineering Design, CE 530 Open Channel
Hydraulics, and CE 638 Sedimentation and River Engineering.
Dr. Howard H. Chang has provided professional
consulting since 1967. He has performed extensive research in the area of water
resources engineering pertaining to river hydraulics, sedimentation, and
erosion. He has published over 100 refereed papers in journals and conference
proceedings. He is the author of several computer models for channel design and
river hydraulics as well as the book, Fluvial Processes in River
Engineering, published in 1988 by John Wiley & Sons. This book has been adopted as a graduate text
at several universities.
Dr. Chang has been active in floodplain mapping,
hydrology and watershed modeling, hydrological simulation, flood control channel
design, floodwater detention basin and sediment basin design, river channel
erosion analyses, and sedimentation studies. He has developed major computer
programs. Among them, the FLUVIAL-12 program for river sedimentation was
evaluated by the National Academy of Sciences as a national standard for river
engineering. The program is now used worldwide by professionals to simulate
stream scour for the design of channels and hydraulic structures such as
bridges and levees.